Private Clients

We assist entrepreneurs, senior executives and families with estate planning, protecting their personal wealth or when changing residency. We provide comprehensive advice and bespoke solutions, which are pragmatic and reliable.

  • Cross-border structuring of assets
  • Domestic and international tax advice, including inheritance and gift taxes
  • Matrimonial property agreements, wills and other estate planning tools as well as administration of estates
  • Advice and support in connection with relocation of high net worth individuals and executives
  • Establishment, dissolution and reorganization of foundations and trusts
  • Comprehensive expertise in matters concerning real estate, art, cultural property and luxury goods
  • Succession Planning / Wealth Protection

    We use our expert knowledge and vast experience to provide comprehensive advice to families, private individuals, entrepreneurs and companies on all legal and tax aspects related to:

    • Cross-border structuring of wealth
    • Estate planning and asset protection
    • Testamentary wills and inheritance agreements
    • Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements
    • Family constitutions and family governance
    • Execution of wills and estate management
    • Contentious estates
    • National and international tax advice, including inheritance tax and gift tax
  • Relocations / Change of Residence

    We provide advice and support with international relocations to high net worth individuals and management employees. Our core competences include:

    • Residence planning
    • Lump-sum taxation
    • Residence and work permits
    • Naturalization
  • Foundations / Trusts

    We advise all types of foundations, including those with an entrepreneurial, charitable or mixed purpose, family foundations and trusts. We provide advice on all legal and tax issues that may arise. Our core competencies include:

    • Establishment, dissolution and reorganization of foundations and trusts, including underlying assets
    • Charity and venture philanthropy
    • Tax planning
  • Other Core Areas

    We have comprehensive know-how in other legal fields, especially in connection with real estate, art, luxury goods, and sports. Our core competencies include:

    • Real estate transactions (Lex Koller / Trusts)
    • Art collections and investments, cultural assets
    • Protection of children and adults
  • Bulletin
  • News
  • Publications

Homburger partner Claudia Suter honored as Lawyer of the Year – Switzerland by Citywealth


Homburger partners Claudia Suter and Andreas Müller honored with Lexology Client Choice Awards


Homburger associate Tobias Kaufmann has been listed in Citywealth's Next Gen Top 40 under 40 IFC 2023


Utilising trusts in Swiss divorces?

Claudia SuterAnja Korradi

Regulation of state and supplementary pension schemes in Switzerland: overview 2018

Peter MüllerUeli Huber

Die Anmerkung des Trustverhältnisses im Grundbuch aus praktischer Sicht